Over the last few years, DreamArtists Music has been the “go to guys” for ABC News theme music and branding, but this one was the first. It was quite a remarkable accomplishment for them to get a chance to write the theme for GMA. At the time, in 2006, the company was just getting off the ground and consisted of a small group of recent Juilliard graduates in their mid 20’s, as well as faculty at the famed school. Although they were having some initial success in commercial writing, they had virtually no experience with composing news music for the big broadcast networks. Yet they had to compete with established big-name music production companies with expensive marketing firms. So how did they get their big break? When Charles Gibson took over World News Tonight in 2006, DreamArtists Music saw an opportunity for a possible theme change on the program. After ample research on target audiences, branding efforts, and trends in the industry, they created an elaborate presentation for ABC News with a full program music demo scored to picture. To their surprise and with the help of an equally young 2-man marketing team, they received a call the next day. Eventually they landed a meeting with ABC executives who were impressed by DreamArtists’ uniqueness as far as their accomplished concert music backgrounds, new positioning in the industry, and conservatory skill set. To their disappointment, World News was not in the market for a new theme at the time, but were told there might be an opportunity for them down the line. That unknown opportunity turned out to be anything but a small consolation prize. With persistence at their side (and a 26 year old at the company helm), they were called into the offices and asked to submit a theme for the GMA re-launch in 2007. Together with ABC, DreamArtists spent several months in the process – with almost daily work in the studio – before gaining everyone’s approval from executives to anchors. The result was a crafty orchestral theme a bit more upscale than what GMA had before.
“Good Morning America” 2007 – 2009 Open