When the new CBS election theme premiered late last year, it was received very well. It is based around three orchestral stabs that are very memorable. Since last night it has become the main theme for the CBS Evening News. You can listen to the full theme right here on this website.
Along with the new music, the new opening includes footage from CBS journalists in the field and shots from the control room (including director TJ Asprea). The combination of the new music and graphics give the broadcast a more urgent feel. (See Scott Pelley’s report on the new theme.)
CBS wasn’t alone in commissioning a new election theme. NBC’s Today has used its own election theme since 2010. Their theme by Non-Stop Music has been updated.
The 2016 election is in full swing and that means we are hearing a lot of election themes on TV these days. Many can already be found on this website. In fact, you can see a list of all the election themes we have right here.
As a little bonus, here’s the CNN election theme. I have not been able to identify the composer. (Update 6/26/2020: It’s by Herb Avery!) The music was first used for the 2008 election.
Herb Avery – CNN Election Theme
Finally, there is also one non-election theme that has been added to the archive on this website. It’s the current theme for The View by Flavorlab.
Actually, the theme is slightly different from the original election version. The details are shown here: http://www.newscaststudio.com/2016/06/01/cbs-borrows-from-political-coverage-for-new-evening-news-theme-music/