GMA debuts new theme music on eve of 40th anniversary


abcgma15On the eve of the show’s 40th anniversary, ABC’s Good Morning America relaunched with a new theme music and graphics package. As with previous themes, Matthew Kajcienski of DreamArtists Music composed the music. This marks the first time in just under four years that the long running, top rated morning show switched themes.

The new music combines elements of contemporary pop and EM rhythms with a symphonic/concert music foundation for which DreamArtists and Kajcienski is known.

They have been keeping busy at DreamArtists Music. Kajcienski won an Emmy this summer for a branding piece he wrote for Hearst Television stations. Also, in partnership with Springboard Tracks, Kajcienski created the feature branding campaign song for the ABC Television Network. A full length version of the song – featuring vocalist/song writer Taylor Carroll – will be released soon by ABC and will be available for download.

Update: The theme has been added to the website. You can listen to it here.

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