CBS This Morning, CBS Radio Sports, Nightline, The View added to the website


2320945483_ctm_eye_opener_logo_640x360_2320945624Some great new additions have been added to Network News Music!

One of the most requested themes in recent years was the CBS This Morning theme. In particular, the Eye Opener was quite popular. That is the 90-second piece of music that plays while a montage of the day’s news is shown. You can now listen to the full piece of music.

I’ve added the 1967 CBS Radio Sports sounder to the website as well. It’s a variation of the news sounder that was used at the same time.

Also new is the Nightline theme that debuted last summer. It replaced the classic theme by VideoHelper that was heard daily for almost ten years.

Finally, I’ve added a page for ABC’s The View. The daytime show officially became part of ABC News last year. Four different versions of the theme music, going back to 1999, have been added.

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